'Hany’s Heartbreak' was a gorily realistic representation of a dog’s heart infected with Dirofilaria Immitis, baked by vet students Anna Burrows, Caitlin Glover, Chloe Tredinnick and Liberty Daly.
It pulled in votes from all over the world including Australia and the US, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Italy and the Caribbean.
The winning bakers said: "We chose to bake this cake as we wanted to make something that we could make look as realistic as possible and as gruesome.
"Our parasitology lecturer, Hany, inspired us to use the D. Immitis parasite as our theme to promote the message of how detrimental and possibly fatal some animal parasites can be! We had a great time baking it and enjoyed the looks of disgust that people who saw it gave. We promise it tastes better than it looks! Our key message to everyone is to PLEASE WORM YOUR PETS!"
The categories for baking inspiration this year were Transport to Campus, Scrumptious Science, Blue Planet and a Showstopper section. Sir David Attenborough and Pixar characters Nemo and Dory were among the other stars of the show, with colourful cakes on an environmental theme also winning prizes.
One of this year’s judges was Dr Wendela Wapenaar, Associate Professor at the Nottingham Vet School. Wendela said: “It’s been another great year for the Sutton Bonington Bakeoff. It was impressive to see how some bakers took on the challenging topics for this year; winning cakes were covering topics such as global warming, environmental pollution in addition to the more gory aspects of veterinary medicine."
During the week, veterinary professionals, retailers and rabbit owners will be encouraged by Burgess and campaign partners the RSPCA, RAWF, Wood Green, PDSA and Blue Cross to sign and share a pledge to move away from muesli on the website: http://www.rabbitawarenessweek.co.uk.
Alex Thorne at Burgess Pet Care, said: "Muesli should never be part of a rabbit’s diet but, sadly, a widespread lack of understanding and awareness around its risks means it’s often too easy for rabbit owners to make the wrong choice. Research continues to show that there is a lack of understanding around the correct nutritional needs of rabbits, and the continued feeding of muesli is a major outcome of that.
"Feeding rabbits muesli increases the risk of selective feeding. Just like children would typically pick sweet treats when faced with the choice between them or vegetables, rabbits will eat parts of the muesli mix that are high in starch and sugar, whilst leaving behind the more nutritious elements.
"We’re encouraging all rabbit lovers to get involved with this year’s campaign by visiting the Rabbit Awareness Week website and signing the ‘Move Away from Muesli’ pledge, before spreading the word amongst fellow rabbit owners. It’s our ambition to move as many rabbits away from muesli towards a good quality hay-based diet supplemented by a small portion of high-quality nuggets and a few fresh greens, which provides the nutrients rabbits need to be happy and healthy."
Burgess says there will also be campaign packs to help support practices in spreading the word, details of which will be available nearer the time.
A 2012 RVC graduate, Daniella is the Principle Exotics Vet at ParkVet Hospital and is studying towards a certificate in Zoological Medicine. She said: "Despite their amazing work, the AWF struggles for funds to continue its vital work, so I have decided not only to be the first ever person to run the London Marathon for the AWF, but to run it in costume!
"Those who know me will be aware that running is not among my favourite activities, but I am stepping up to the challenge to raise much-needed funds for this fantastic charity that’s making a real, tangible difference to animals worldwide."
"Working full time in clinical practice, including being part of an out-of-hours rota, means training must be factored in with military precision: so far, some of my longer runs are planned for 4 am!
"I also entered the Hastings Half Marathon on 18 March, and my final training run prior to the big day is scheduled for when I will be in Queensland, Australia for my brother’s wedding.
"If I can manage 22 miles in those hot and humid conditions, the London Marathon should be a breeze!”
Chris Laurence. AWF Chair of Trustees, said: "I am delighted that Daniella has chosen to raise funds for AWF in what is arguably one of the biggest sporting events in the world. On behalf of the organisation, I’d like to thank her for her support and wish her all the best for the marathon."
To support Daniella’s fundraising, visit: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/DaniellaDosSantos
For updates on her training and to find out more about AWF, visit www.bva-awf.org.uk
Stewart Halperin (pictured right), the vet who founded CarefreeCredit, said: "We originally started out by helping vets provide loans to treat pets needing medical attention which wasn’t covered by insurance, allowing them to provide the care needed, while also being paid immediately, improving cash flow and reducing bad debts.
"With this new service, vets can make their services better known in their local communities, which will also boost their turnover and allow them to care for even more animals."
Practices that use CarefreeCredit are given access to an online application process that takes around five minutes, providing loans from £250 upwards for use against any veterinary bills.
A range of credit terms are available from 0% APR upwards. They are also the only company to offer loan rates based on risk, which they say means more clients are likely to be accepted for finance.
CarefreeCredit practices that want to use the PR service need to contact the company, whereupon they'll arrange for an award-winning public relations consultant to provide the support they need - free of charge.
For further information, visit: www.carefreecredit.co.uk or call 0345 313 0177.
Shockwave therapy, or Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) to give it its full nomenclature, sends mechanical shock waves into the affected area to stimulate the natural healing process by triggering the body’s own repair mechanisms.
The therapy is being spearheaded at Willows by Kinley Smith (pictured right), an RCVS and European specialist in small animal surgery. He said: "Shockwave therapy is a whole new line of treatment and has proved a spectacular success.
"It’s an excellent technique for dealing with certain orthopaedic conditions and there’s no invasive surgery, no wound to heal and no risk of infection so it really is a win-win-win procedure.
"It is particularly effective in the treatment of ligament and tendon injuries.
"There can be immediate pain relief for the dog; after two weeks we start to see lasting benefits and in four weeks we normally see a clear improvement.
"The added bonuses are we can normally reduce any medication; the dog can enjoy more exercise plus it is not as costly as undergoing an operation.
"Surgery is still essential in some of the more acute, problematic cases but shockwave therapy has been a terrific development in helping us provide an alternative treatment in a lot of soft tissue, muscle and bone conditions."
For more information, visit www.willows.uk.net.
Mr Smith was convicted of conspiracy to commit a fraud in which potentially dangerous horses were drugged and then sold to unsuspecting owners, at Maidstone Crown Court in June 2016. He was given 30 months' imprisonment, which formed one of the charges heard by the Disciplinary Committee.
There were also a number of charges related to his treatment of five different animals while in practice at the Lakeview Veterinary Centre in Folkestone, Kent. The charges were:
In relation to a Clydesdale mare named Grace on 14 August 2014 he failed to perform an adequate examination and/or undertake sufficient investigation and/or take a history of her; that after his initial visit to Grace on that day he failed to respond adequately to the owner’s telephone reports that Grace had deteriorated and/or failed to improve; and, that he failed to make adequate clinical records for Grace.
Between 29 September 2014 and 31 January 2015, in relation to a Labradoodle named Holly, he failed to keep adequate clinical records.
In relation to a cat named Maisey the allegations were that he failed to examine and investigate the cat adequately, he made a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and gave insulin to administer to the cat without first undertaking the minimum investigation required, failed to keep adequate clinical records and sent an incorrect, misleading and dishonest statement to the RCVS regarding his treatment of Maisey. All charges date between 30 October and 19 December 2014.
In relation to a cat called Comet the allegation was that between 1 April and 17 April 2015 he failed to keep adequate clinical records and failed to respond adequately and appropriately to concerns raised by the owner.
Regarding a Yorkshire Terrier with diabetes named Poppy the allegation was that in two emergency out-of-hours calls made by Poppy’s owner to Mr Smith in April 2015 regarding the dog’s condition, he failed to recommend veterinary treatment or keep adequate clinical records. Furthermore, when the owner attended the practice following the two calls and the death of Poppy, he attributed the care to another member of the practice and failed to communicate effectively with the owner.
Having heard from a number of witnesses, including Mr Smith, and having received representations from Mr Smith in relation to the above charges, the Committee found almost all of the charges proven, with the exception of those relating to Mr Smith’s alleged conversation with Poppy’s owner at the practice following her death.
The Committee then went on to consider whether the various proven charges amounted to disgraceful conduct in a professional respect and whether the conviction rendered Mr Smith unfit to practise veterinary surgery.
In relation to the clinical charges the Committee found that, both individually and cumulatively, they amounted to disgraceful conduct in a professional respect.
The Committee also determined that the conviction rendered Mr Smith unfit to practise veterinary surgery and noted that it involved prolonged dishonesty, breach of trust, disregard for animal health and welfare and a "total abrogation of Mr Smith’s professional responsibilities."
Cerys Jones, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: "The Committee was particularly concerned because the dishonesty went to the heart of Mr Smith’s responsibilities as a veterinary surgeon. His registration as a veterinary surgeon enabled him to take part in the conspiracy, and that role involved him conducting certified examinations on animals and supplying drugs for administration to animals. Reliable and honest certification is a vital element of the veterinary surgeon’s public role."
In considering the sanction against Mr Smith the Committee looked at the clinical charges and the conviction separately.
In relation to the clinical charges the Committee found that his treatment of the animals in these cases was fundamentally incompatible with being a veterinary surgeon. The Committee therefore directed that Mr Smith’s name should be removed from the Register of Veterinary Surgeons.
The Committee said that the case demonstrated that Mr Smith’s lack of treatment or his inappropriate treatment of these animals caused harm and that in some regards, for example the writing of accurate and contemporaneous clinical notes, Mr Smith demonstrated a total disrespect for the Code of Professional Conduct.
The Committee went on to say: "Further, he deliberately lied to his regulator. He demonstrated deep-seated attitudinal issues including a misplaced belief in his own abilities and had no insight or commitment to do anything different in the future. In those circumstances the likelihood of repetition was significant in the Committee’s view."
In considering the sanction for his conviction of conspiracy to commit fraud the Committee took into account a number of aggravating factors including the premeditated nature of the conduct, the fact it was repeated over four years and the fact that harm was caused to both animals and people as a result of his actions.
Cerys Jones said: "As the decision notes, some of the riders were novices or children and as a result of their experience they lost confidence in riding a horse. As the independent veterinary surgeon Mr Smith was in a position of responsibility because he was certifying the horses as to their suitability. A particularly aggravating feature in this case is that Mr Smith had previously been removed from the Register for falsely certifying horses for export."
In relation to the conviction the Committee also directed that the Registrar remove Mr Smith from the Register.
Mr Smith has 28 days from being informed of the Committee’s decision to make an appeal against it.
The full findings can be found here.
Vouchers for twelve months' free access to Improve's Online Bitesize CPD series will be offered to veterinary surgeons, nurses and practice managers by their Protexin Territory Manager, based on their use of products in the Protexin range.
Online Bitesize CPD offers veterinary professionals the opportunity to meet their annual CPD requirements in short bursts of learning at a time and place to suit them. Its online modules of 20, 40 and 60 minutes cover a range of clinical topics, including cardiology, ophthalmology, small animal medicine, feline medicine and exotics.
Improve says the modules have been designed to be visually engaging, highly interactive and informative to ensure that the experience is rewarding.
James Kyffin, Veterinary Director at Protexin, said: "We are thrilled to be continuing our relationship with Improve International by offering practices access to its Online Bitesize CPD. We are passionate about education and Bitesize offers a convenient, exciting way for the profession to gain access to high quality CPD."
John Douglass at Improve International added: “We hope that veterinary professionals who have not yet experienced our training will take up the opportunity created by this association with Protexin Veterinary and learn new skills with our Online Bitesize CPD service for twelve months at no cost.
"The interactive modules we have created are led by recognised experts and will help them to refresh their knowledge, learn new skills and achieve their annual CPD points quota online at any time.”
Medivet owns 245 veterinary practices in the UK and its rate of practice acquisition had tripled in the last 12 months.
CEO, Arnold Levy said: "The 25 strong Regional Directors Team is a key strategic line of management and support for all our existing practices, and they are central to the successful integration of our new practices into our hub and spoke model. Even though each of our Regional Directors is an experienced, qualified veterinary surgeon, it is vital that they have time, knowledge and understanding of the Medivet business and operation to confidently support their practices in line with our model, in the right way.
"With the support of the Leadership Team, we will be using these next few months to ensure this newly formed group have all the skills needed to do just that."
Arnold added: "We have taken this deliberate decision to ensure we can maintain the very highest standards of client and patient care. Where our management team and support structures are already in place we will continue with our new acquisitions program, and once our Regional Management operation is fully embedded, we will confidently continue to grow our business in a sustainable, people and patient-first way."
With at least 65% of dogs and 39% of cats reported as overweight (1&2), the competition is designed to promote a healthy body shape for cats and dogs, and reward the hard work of pet owners and veterinary nurses for achieving and maintaining a pet’s healthy weight. It is open to patients that are starting out on a weight loss programme, those maintaining a healthy body shape following weight loss and even those who have always been a healthy weight and shape.
Six finalists will be selected from all the entries and invited to attend an awards lunch where the overall winner will be announced. All finalists will receive a £100 shopping voucher and the overall winner will receive a £1000 holiday voucher.
Caroline Burke, Weight Management Specialist at Royal Canin said: "The Healthy Weight Competition is the perfect opportunity for veterinary nurses and owners to tackle this serious disease and prevent it occurring.
"There are many health issues associated with an animal being overweight as well as affecting quality of life, longevity and the welfare of the pet. The Healthy Weight Competition is an ideal opportunity for practices to identify the overweight patients, enrol them on a weight loss programme and enter the competition. It also enables them to reward those cats and dogs who have maintained an ideal body shape and weight over a period of time."
The competition is open until 31st of August 2018.
For more information, visit: www.royalcaninhealthyweight.co.uk or contact your Veterinary Business Manager.
Idexx says the new test is proven to identify kidney disease earlier than creatinine1–3, enabling veterinary surgeons to intervene earlier and have a greater impact on patients' health outcomes and quality of life.
The Catalyst SDMA Test was first launched at the company's reference laboratories in 2015, since when Idexx says it has run more than 14 million SDMA patient tests, creating the world's largest database on kidney disease in dogs and cats.
The test was then launched to veterinary practices in the USA and Canada last December, where Idexx says it has now been used by thousands of practices.
Jonathan Ayers, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Idexx Laboratories said: "We've seen great enthusiasm for the ability to run SDMA as part of the routine chemistry panel at the point of care, and the North American launch has exceeded our expectations.
"The Idexx SDMA Test represents one of the most significant diagnostic innovations in veterinary medicine in the last 30 years. We're thrilled to bring this essential element of the chemistry panel to our point of care Idexx VetLab suite, allowing veterinarians to utilize the benefits of SDMA immediately during the pet's appointment."
Idexx has also signed an agreement to collaborate with Yale University to explore the test's applications in human health. As a result of the partnership, the SDMA Test has been validated for accuracy in measuring SDMA in human blood samples and the results presented at the 2017 annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology last November by Yale and IDEXX researchers.
Jonathan added: "SDMA has tremendous potential benefit in human applications as well. And with the Idexx test technology now validated to be able to run on commercial chemistry systems that routinely produce chemistry results in human reference laboratories, we have greater reason to explore the clinical value of this incredible biomarker in human applications. We are excited and grateful for our partnership with Yale University."
Idexx says SDMA is now the subject of more than 30 ongoing research collaborations and has been incorporated into the veterinary profession's International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) kidney disease staging guidelines.
For more information about the IDEXX Catalyst SDMA Test, visit www.idexx.eu/sdma.
The new briefing will summarise the latest veterinary innovations, resources and research which are of practical value to those working in practice. In other words, only what you strictly need to know.
Need to Know content will be curated by three practising veterinary surgeons: Liz Barton MRCVS (Small Animal, pictured right), Aoife Byrne MRCVS (Equine), and Rachel Tennant MRCVS (Farm Animal). It replaces InDigestion, VetNurse.co.uk’s previous monthly newsletter which only linked to the most popular content on the site itself. By contrast, Need to Know summarises developments from all sources.
VetNurse.co.uk Editor Arlo Guthrie said: "In these days of information overload, our aim here is to provide busy veterinary nurses with a really succinct summary of anything that really matters, wherever it comes from."
Need to Know is the result of a new partnership between VetNurse.co.uk and Vetsnet, a veterinary wellbeing resource hub set up by Liz to support her colleagues in the profession, and the bulk of any additional advertising revenue generated by the initiative will be ploughed back into Vetsnet.
Arlo added: "Since VetNurse launched back in 2000, content has been entirely curated by me. I like to think that has worked reasonably well. Still, having practising veterinary surgeons involved editorially is a big step forward in making sure our content is always useful and relevant."
Anyone subscribed to receive emails from VetNurse.co.uk on registration will automatically receive Need To Know.
If you have subscribed, but are NOT receiving emails from VetNurse.co.uk, you usually need to log into your email account online and move emails from VetNurse.co.uk from your spam or junk folder into your inbox. Some email providers (notably Hotmail) also allow you to 'whitelist' emails from certain people and organisations. In that case, add 'vetnurse.co.uk' to your whitelist.
If you have unsubscribed from emails from vetnurse.co.uk in the past and now want to resubscribe, email support@vetnurse.co.uk and we’ll remove you from the exclusion list.
Written in association with Dr Elinor O’Connor, Senior Lecturer in Occupational Psychology at Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, the guide is designed for anyone with an interest in the wellbeing of the veterinary team. It provides practical advice to veterinary workplaces on managing stress and promoting wellbeing, alongside examples from the three winning practices of the 2016 MMI/SPVS Wellbeing Awards.
Elinor said: "Addressing stress in veterinary work not only has benefits for the health and wellbeing of each person in the veterinary team, but the business case for reducing work-related stress is clear; stress is associated with poorer performance, increased absenteeism and higher employee turnover. The wellbeing guide provides information about proven techniques for reducing stress at work combined with suggestions for how they might be applied in veterinary workplaces."
Lizzie Lockett, RCVS CEO and Mind Matters Director, said: "Stress at work is an important issue right across the veterinary team. It is sometimes considered just an acceptable part of working in an environment that can be difficult to control, but things can change.
"By making wellbeing a priority practices can support individuals and help their team work better together, and thus provide the best treatment for the animals under their care. This leaflet unpacks some of the root causes of work-related stress and may be of particular interest to practice managers, line managers or health and safety officers."
Good to see that the guide includes a recommendation that practices have measures in place to identify and resolve conflict at work and a clear policy on harassment or bullying, something which research by VetSurgeon.org, VetNurse.co.uk and ex-BSAVA Head of Scientific Policy, Sally Everitt MRCVS found correlated with reduced reports of sustained unpleasant behaviour in practice, a significant source of stress.
The guide can be downloaded here: https://www.vetmindmatters.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/MMI-12pp-web.pdf.
Ceva says Adaptil Junior has been proven to reduce night crying and whining by 86%2 and helps puppies to adapt to their new homes and unfamiliar situations in three days3, 4.
According to the company, puppies with Adaptil Junior are also less fearful and anxious during puppy classes, resulting in better long-term socialisation3.
Research carried out by the company found that over 60% of dog owners buy their dogs as puppies, with half of those questioned getting their dogs before they are three months old1.
Abigail King, product manager for Adaptil at Ceva Animal Health said: "Adopting a puppy is an exciting, yet challenging time with puppies facing stressful situations such as separation from their mother, socialisation, staying home alone and experiencing new sights, sounds and noises.
"Adaptil Junior is an effective, natural solution to help comfort newly adopted puppies and facilitate their education while helping them to learn and adapt to their new lives. This, in turn, will ensure that puppies get off to the best start in life, which will help keep rehoming numbers down."
Adaptil Junior comes in the form of a translucent blue collar which fits necks up to 37.5cm in circumference. The collar releases dog appeasing pheromone over a period of four weeks and should be worn continuously.
To support the launch of Adaptil Junior, Ceva Animal Health has introduced a puppy party marketing pack to provide puppy party organisers with the tools they need in order to stage puppy parties.
Produced in collaboration with the leading dog behaviourist, Gwen Bailey, the pack features display materials, webinars, gifts and literature including leaflets, puppy party invites and posters and is available with Adaptil Junior orders.
For more information, visit www.adaptil.com/uk.
Launched in 2016, Simparica kills 95% of fleas within eight hours. It's also indicated for 99% of UK ticks and kills them within 12 hours. Zoetis says the produce provides protection for at least 35 days without losing efficacy at the end of the month.
Scott Wheway, Zoetis Product Manager, said: "As well as being fast acting and long lasting with a very good safety profile, these new claims give Simparica an expanded spectrum of cover for skin parasites. It is indicated for all four major species of ticks, including Ixodes hexagonus, the two species of fleas dogs are most frequently infested with, and three species of mites. This makes it the ideal solution for parasitic management in dermatology cases".
Scott added: "Our anti-parasitic products, including Simparica and Stronghold Plus, are only part of the Zoetis offering. With our dedicated business and veterinary consulting teams we work with practices to help grow their preventative health business by providing better patient outcomes and increased client value."
For more information, contact your Zoetis Account Manager ring 0845 300 8034 or email: customersupportUK@zoetis.com
In one case, Tigga, a 17-year-old cat with an itchy and destructive tumour on her nose, was in complete remission within 44 days. In another case, a tumour vanished in a dog where the aim of the treatment was only to shrink the mass before an operation to remove it.
NDSR, which is based in Bletchingley, is the only referral centre in the UK and one of very few in the world offering electrochemotherapy in pets.
Electrochemotherapy is given in two stages.
First, the patient is given a mild dose of intravenous chemotherapy in the normal way and then, using a probe, a precise electrical charge is given to the area on or around the tumour.
This temporarily opens up tiny holes in the cells, big enough to allow the drug to enter, which then close again in microseconds. This means the drug will only attack cancerous cells, unlike normal chemotherapy, which also kills healthy cells.
Gerry Polton, clinical director of oncology at NDSR, said: "Normal chemotherapy works on the principle of being more damaging to cancer than non-cancerous tissue. Some cancers are more resilient, so there are differences in how they respond to treatment, and this can cause more harm to the patient.
"Electrochemotherapy involves clever anatomical targeting of a specific site and is an effective way of protecting healthy cells.
"The results we are seeing in cases like Tigga’s are unprecedented and we are learning about the procedure all the time. We are always looking for better ways of treating cancer without the effect of harming the patient indiscriminately and this has proved to be a very effective way of doing this."
According to NDSR, the results could help inform the development of the targeted treatment in humans, where electrochemotherapy is used in a small number of cases in the NHS.
At present, many clinical trials are carried out on laboratory animals which are bred with no immune system – but dogs have similarities in genetics to humans and have working immune systems, meaning they can provide a more accurate parallel for how the treatment may work in people.
Gerry said: "A pet dog would be a good model for human cancer studies. It's a mammal with a heartbeat, blood supply and working immune system.
"Progress with electrochemotherapy in animals is being made in parallel with progress in electrochemotherapy in the human field, and what we are learning may even inform what is happening in people.
"Electrochemotherapy is a form of treatment which Cancer Research UK describe as 'fairly new' on its website, with limited information about its effectiveness. So maybe something would be gained from learning together."
Tony Noble, managing director at Noble Futures, said: "We have been working with organisations of all shapes and sizes since our foundation in 2002 and it became clear that while we can ensure that our clients recruit the top people for the job - through finding them the best permanent, contracting or temporary employees - the resources are not always present to ensure that this human resource potential is maximised. The team at The Partners deliver a world-class service and we are 100% confident that their professional and expert support services will make a real difference to our clients’ businesses."
Noble Futures and The Partners have launched three new services:
The Human Resources support service is aimed at organisations that need additional support or more expert advice within the human resources function, whether it relates to a particular employee issue such as managing a long-term illness, or a wider corporate challenge like implementing a company-wide performance management system.
The Psychometric Profiling service is designed to give unique insights into the individual traits of employees, to help with recruitment, promotion, coaching and career development.
Finally, the Management Development service has been developed to help ensure a company’s employees receive the right training for success.
Paula Summerscales (pictured right with husband Graham) from The Partners said: "We are delighted to partner with Noble Futures to deliver our range of people-building services to organisations in the animal health sector. Our unique mix of skills and experience allows us to bring a tailored approach to every single project we work on and we’re looking forward to working with Noble Futures clients to implement innovative solutions that gain commercial results."
For more information, contact Noble Futures on 0161 820 3510 or email: info@noble-futures.com.
MMI seeks to address mental health and wellbeing issues within the veterinary profession, while the Doctors’ Support Network provides peer support for doctors and medical students with mental health concerns.
&me was launched this time last year at the Palace of Westminster at an event sponsored by Kevan Jones MP (Labour, North Durham,) who has spoken about his own experiences with depression.
Overall eleven &me ambassadors have volunteered their own stories with mental ill-health:
A number of &me ambassadors will be taking part in an ‘&me live’ session at BSAVA Congress, from 5-8 April 2018 in Birmingham, providing a short overview of their story before taking questions from the audience. The session will take place from 8.30 to 10.10am on Saturday 7 April and will be open to all those attending Congress.
Lizzie Lockett, RCVS CEO and Mind Matters Director, said: "The feedback our &me ambassadors have received is truly heartening.
"Steve Carter, for example, had both an ex-student and colleague comment on his story thanking him for all he’s done, while a Facebook post about Rob Pettitt reached nearly 25,000 people.
"The campaign highlights how it is possible to recover from mental ill-health and flourish in your career, with the aim of encouraging those at the start of their mental ill-health experience to seek appropriate help, whether that is something profession-specific, such as Vetlife or DSN, or their GP."
Louise Freeman, Co-Chair of the DSN, added: "Many healthcare professionals face similar pressures that can lead to mental ill-health, including long hours, intense pressure, and the nature of the job which requires practitioners to constantly provide care for others, without necessarily recognising the need for self-care at the same time.
"A recurring theme that we’ve seen from these ambassadors’ stories has been that they drew on support from friends and family, and we really hope that this campaign encourages other professionals to seek help if they feel they are struggling."
The campaign is interested in hearing from not only doctors and veterinary surgeons but also nurses, veterinary nurses, dentists, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who want to open up about their experiences of mental ill-health.
To participate in the campaign, email Dr Louise Freeman on vicechair@dsn.org.uk.
Further information about the ‘&me’ campaign can be found at www.vetmindmatters.org/&me, and a blog by Louise, 'Me and #AndMe', can be found at www.vetmindmatters.org/me-and-andme/.
The campaign comprises a series of short videos featuring equine behaviourist Gemma Pearson MRCVS. The videos demonstrate quick and simple ways of teaching horses to be quiet, relaxed and safe for injections, clipping, worming, examinations and other veterinary procedures.
Equine practices can share the video links with clients here.
According to a paper published in the journal Equine Veterinary Education in January, an equine vet may expect to sustain between seven and eight work-related injuries that impede them from practicing, during a 30-year working life.1
This is far a higher figure than other civilian occupations such as the construction industry, prison service and the fire brigade.
Bruising, fracture and laceration to the leg or the head were the most common injuries reported with the main cause being a kick with a hind limb. Nearly a quarter of these reported injuries required hospital admission and 7% resulted in loss of consciousness.
David Mountford, CEO at BEVA said: "Many accidents reportedly occur when vets are trying to work with horses who have learnt to avoid examination or treatment and where handlers are not in full control. Gemma’s work at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and her amazing videos show how a little preparation can have a big impact on horse, owner and vet safety.”
David Catlow, Blue Cross director of clinical services, said: "These videos are a superb resource to help with behaviour training in horses and to help them remain calm and manageable in all sorts of circumstances. Time spent on behaviour training of horses, using positive reinforcement methods such as these, is time well spent for everyone’s safety. Blue Cross invests a great deal of time in behaviour training on the horses we rehome, and it works."
The seven practical videos cover how clients can train and prepare their horse for:
David Mountford added: "These videos make interesting viewing for vets as well as horse owners and build on Gemma’s eBEVA webinar "Practical Equine Behaviour" and the Guidance on Managing Equine Risks that BEVA has produced.”
You can watch the videos here.
Photo: Equine vets Malcolm Morley and Gemma Pearson
The YuMOVE ADVANCE 360 range contains a new combination of ActivEase Green Lipped Mussel extract and purified fish oil to provide a concentrated, sustainable source of Omega 3 EFA’s and higher levels of essential fatty acids, ETA, EPA and DHA.
Lintbells says that these ingredients, together with other additions to the formula, aid the body's own natural anti-inflammatory process to soothe stiff joints. The company says the new product is clinically proven to work within six weeks.1
Lintbells Product Marketing Executive Gemma Cunningham said: "It’s important that the company keeps innovating. This new launch reflects Lintbells commitment to take quality to the highest level and to invest in research and development to constantly improve the products available to practices."
YuMOVE ADVANCE 360 is available as a palatable tablet for dogs that is accepted like a treat by 86% of dogs.2. The cat product is well accepted by 86% of cats3 and is presented in a capsule that is broken to allow the contents to be sprinkled on food.
Lintbells Veterinary Director, James Howie, says YuMOVE ADVANCE 360 can be recommended with confidence as part of a multimodal approach to joint management: "We want to provide practices with the best and most advanced formulations with proven outcomes.
"YuMOVE ADVANCE 360 is highly bioavailable, benefits from full traceability and purity assessments and is made with real expertise using the highest quality ingredients. It makes sense to make it veterinary exclusive and put it into the hands of professionals who can recommend it to the animals that will benefit most."
YuMOVE ADVANCE 360 Dog and YuMOVE ADVANCE 360 Cat are expected to be available to order from veterinary wholesalers on 5th February 2018. For further information, contact your Lintbells Veterinary Business Executive or call 01462 790886.
iRecall Consent Management falls into two parts: an initial three staged campaign to gain clients' consent before the 25th May deadline, then ongoing maintenance of the database, managing existing clients' communication preferences and gaining consent for new clients.
Thereafter, iRecall will cross reference consent and communication preferences for any iRecall-powered outbound marketing communication for a practice.
Practice-branded client consent requests are created in real time using live practice data and are personalised for each individual client and their pets.
Consent Management uses the company's SMARTdelivery technology to maximise response rates: first selecting the best delivery method (SMS, email or letter) for each client, based on current information in the practice management system. If a message fails to send because of an invalid number or email address, Consent Management automatically selects the next delivery method.
iRecall says Consent Management already interfaces with the six leading practice management systems, and can interface with any system on request.
Jamie Crittall, Director of Virtual Recall and himself a practice owner said: "Practices need to stop thinking that GDPR is a burden but see it as opportunity to forge stronger relationships with their clients and helping them to keep their pets healthy. Practices who treat their clients’ personal data with the same care that they show their pets will be rewarded with greater trust and loyalty, ensuring the future success of their business. Furthermore, it’s the perfect opportunity for practices to re-engage with previously lapsed clients to make them active and loyal once more - a massive value add."
For more information, visit: http://www.virtualrecall.com/
The 18,000 sq ft centre's facilities include a £1 million imaging suite with state-of-the-art MRI and CT scanners, five operating theatres and extensive kennelling facilities and cat wards. It is also equipped with fluoroscopy equipment with additional mobile C-arm, mobile digital radiography, a Phaco machine and Mindray WATO anaesthetic equipment.
A total of up to 80 staff will be employed at Paragon, including up to 18 referral veterinary surgeons and 32 nurses. Treatment will include ophthalmology, orthopaedics, soft tissue surgery, cardiology, neurology, medicine, oncology and dermatology.
The centre, which is part of Dewsbury-based Calder Vets, which has 12 practices across Yorkshire, is being led by managing director Ian Monteith and clinical director Adam Bell.
Adam said: "The opening of Paragon is the culmination of an 18-month project to bring the very best quality referral veterinary centre here to Wakefield.
"We’re delighted to open our doors and the team here at Paragon Veterinary Referrals are totally committed to, and looking forward to, providing excellent care for patients using the latest veterinary techniques."
For more information about the services Paragon will be offering, and for details of the vacancies on offer at the vet centre, as well as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities, visit www.paragonreferrals.co.uk.
The first is Design Hub, a self-service marketing portal which allows practices to choose from a variety of designs for posters, social media posts and other collateral and brand them with the practice logo. The portal includes a planner which details noteworthy dates, veterinary campaigns and events that practices might want to include in their marketing plans.
Member practices using the new portal during February also have the chance to enter a competition to win £500 Love2shop vouchers.
The second resource is a pets portal which the company says will make it easier to access live information about pets enrolled on its health plans, make administrative changes, process refunds or cancellations and soon, add new pets.
From July the pets portal will compatible with tablets and other mobile devices, so practice staff can move out from behind the desk and have conversations with pet owners in the waiting or consulting rooms.
Paul Bates, Practice Development Specialist, said: "We had already identified that practices wanted to be able to register plans and change details online. It was important for us to also ensure that the tool we developed had the desired functionality and was robust enough to handle large volumes of data being entered simultaneously across the country.
"We also wanted it to be fit for purpose so that if we want to develop more advanced features going forwards, we don’t have to recreate the wheel and can build on what we have already. The portal will be really useful in its own right and gives us a great launching pad for future development."
To access the new portals, email: pethealthplanscomms@denplan.co.uk, or contact your Simplyhealth Professionals Practice Support Advisor or Business Development Consultant.
For more information about Simplyhealth Professionals visit http://www.pethealthplans.co.uk/vets.
Interested parties are invited to share their views by the 2nd May 2018.
The ban is being explored by the government as part of a package of reforms designed to drive up animal welfare standards.
A number of other measures to tighten up the regulation of puppy breeders are also being laid before Parliament today, to come into force later in the year:
Banning licensed sellers from dealing in puppies and kittens under the age of eight weeks;
Ensuring that licensed dog breeders show puppies alongside their mother before a sale is made;
Tackling the sale of weak underage puppies and the breeding of unhealthy dogs and dogs with severe genetic disorders;
Introducing compulsory licensing for anyone in the business of breeding and selling dogs;
Requiring puppy sales to be completed in the presence of the new owner, preventing online sales where prospective buyers have not seen the animal first;
Insisting licensed dog breeders can only sell puppies
Environment Secretary Michael Gove said: "We need to do everything we can to make sure the nation’s much loved pets get the right start in life. From banning the sale of underage puppies to tackling the breeding of dogs with severe genetic disorders, we are cracking down on sellers who have a total disregard for their dogs’ welfare.
"This is a further step to raise the bar on animal welfare standards. We are also introducing mandatory CCTV in all slaughterhouses and increasing maximum prison sentences tenfold for animal abusers."
BVA President John Fishwick said: "As vets, we see first-hand the tragic consequences that can result from poorly bred puppies so it’s encouraging to see the Government announce this raft of measures to improve dog welfare.
"We support the principle that puppies should not be sold by third parties, but this is a complex area that must consider advertising, internet sales and pet owners’ buying habits to ensure illegal puppy sales won’t be driven underground.
"Effective legislation must be backed by enforcement, so it’s essential that local authorities are equipped with adequate resources to help guarantee the welfare of millions of dogs across the UK.
The consultation can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/banning-third-party-sales-of-pets-in-england-call-for-evidence
Fiproclear Combo, which contains fipronil and S-methoprene, is licensed for use on cats and dogs and can also be used to treat and prevent fleas and ticks on ferrets.
Norbrook says the new product provides effective protection from new flea infestations for up to eight weeks on dogs and four weeks on cats, while protecting against certain ticks for up to four weeks on dogs, and two weeks on cats.
Monica Whistler, Norbrook Marketing Product Manager, said: "With its triple-action approach, Fiproclear Combo kills adult fleas, ticks and biting lice. The addition of S-methoprene to the already-trusted ingredient fipronil, breaks the flea life cycle in the home by ensuring that any eggs laid by the fleas, which have come into contact with the product are infertile, and by preventing development of flea larvae within a pet’s surroundings.
"Adult fleas on pets are killed within 24 hours whilst newly arrived ticks are killed within 48 hours of attachment – before the main risk period of disease transfer. Ticks rank second only to mosquitoes as insects that spread infectious diseases to both pets and people1; the most common of which is Lyme disease."
Norbrook highlights research which showed almost a third of cats suffered from ectoparasites2, while around one in every three dogs are affected by ticks3, and that many traditional treatments do not help break the flea life cycle in the home.
Monica added: "Typically, by the time an owner notices a flea problem, an infestation has already been present for up to two months. At that point the visible adult fleas on the pet are only part of the problem, with 95% of the parasites already living in the home itself as eggs, larvae and pupae."
John Davies and Tom Lonsdale MsRCVS both objected to edits made by the College to their candidate statements.
Mr Davies explained in his statement how he'd been subject to "bewildering, unfounded and damaging allegations" from two veterinary nurses, one of which he says resulted in his dismissal from a practice at which he was a partner. He went on to explain how, in addition to taking the dismissal case to an employment tribunal and winning, he had also raised concerns with the College about the nurses who'd made the allegations against him. Mr Davies outlined the way he felt that the RCVS mismanaged his case and how that had driven him to stand for Council to try and address the grave concerns he now had about the governance of the profession. However, the Returning Officer redacted the details on the grounds that they were considered to be defamatory and/or factually misleading.
The main grounds for Mr Lonsdale’s challenge was that the election had been furthered by corrupt practices, namely undue influence (all in terms of the Misrepresentation of the People Act 1983). In addition, the Returning Officer edited Mr Lonsdale’s candidate statement before circulation to the electorate, refusing to include hypertext links and removing references that the Returning Officer believed to be defamatory. The Returning Officer also declined to publish his ‘Quiz the candidates’ video on the RCVS website and/or YouTube channel when requests to make minor amendments considered defamatory were refused.
Both challenges were lodged with the RCVS last July, after which the College set up a Challenge Committee in accordance with the election challenge procedure, approved by Privy Council. It comprised three members of Council nominated by RCVS President Stephen May.
Sitting with one of the RCVS Legal Assessors – Mr Richard Price OBE QC – the Challenge Committee was required to decide whether to declare the election void, based on whether the alleged irregularity in question rendered the election substantially not in accordance with the RCVS Council Election Scheme, or that the irregularity concerned significantly affected the result of the election (in which Mr Lonsdale and Mr Davies came 15th and 16th respectively out of 16 candidates).
Following written submissions from both the RCVS and Mr Davies, the Challenge Committee dismissed Mr Davies’s challenge, stating that there was no irregularity in the conduct of the election on the part of the Returning Officer, and that there was no valid basis for challenging the validity of the election.
The Challenge Committee (comprising the same members as for Mr Davies’s challenge) also dismissed Mr Lonsdale’s challenge, stating that it considered it to be 'totally devoid of merit'.
Prior to reaching this decisions, however, two preliminary challenges made by Mr Lonsdale were also considered and dismissed.
The first related to the members of the Challenge Committee, whom Mr Lonsdale argued should stand down on the basis of actual or apparent bias based on his allegations of connections with the pet food industry.
The Committee considered that a fair-minded and informed observer, having understood the facts, would conclude that the connection of committee members to the pet food industry were '….remote, indirect and, in the case of one panel member, virtually non-existent'.
Each committee member was satisfied that there was '…no real possibility of their judgement being distorted or influenced by any interest in, or links with, the pet food industry.'
The second challenge was to The Legal Assessor, who had been appointed to advise the Committee. Mr Lonsdale had alleged that Mr Price had displayed bias in the way that he had given advice to the Committee in relation to the challenge to the Committee membership. This was also dismissed.